The Morphogenic Field Technique targets the body at the cellular level to determine both energetic and nutritional deficiencies. The MFT test itself corresponds to the state of the body's autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation). By using MFT, the practitioner will understand which nutrients the patient may require and which toxic compounds and pathogens may block vital pathways needed for healing and maintenance.
The main goal of MFT is to increase the patient's morphogenic field size. The Morphogenic biofield is a biomarker to determine the overall cellular health of the organism. Therefore, by increasing the size of the field, the patient will realize more significant health benefits.
The field's size will be determined first when performing the Morphogenic Field technique test. This begins the communication with the patient's biofield. Next, a scan of the body will be performed. This process looks for common body stressors in the autonomic nervous system. These include nutrient deficiencies, heavy metals (i.e., mercury, lead, arsenic, and gadolinium), pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites), negative emotions, food, and environmental allergies, as well as environmental toxicities (glyphosates, herbicides, and pesticides).
If these toxic stressors accumulate in our bodies over time, they can cause inflammation and oxidative stress to organs and glands. This can reduce the overall state of health in the body, which emanates from the cellular level. As a result, we start to feel lousy, suffer from pain, have hormonal imbalances, sleep poorly, feel brain fog, age prematurely, and function at a less-than-optimal range.
You see, these toxic stressors will begin to build up in your body, blocking your metabolic pathways and hindering your immune system's ability to function at a peak level. This metabolic storm can lead to accelerated aging and disease conditions if left unchecked.
Once the root causes are determined, applied kinesiology or muscle testing (MFT) will allow your practitioner to develop a whole food and supplement plan that will work best for you to bring you back into homeostasis or balance. The Morphogenic field will be tested again at the end of the procedure to ensure that it has increased in size with the support of an updated nutritional program.
To understand how this system works on a deeper level is to realize that your body is made from pure energy. All of the cells in the human body operate like a battery. They communicate through electrical signals, which move like a wave inside your body, controlling your heart, brain, and nervous system.
The founder of the Morphogenic Field Technique system is Dr. Frank Springob, DC. He states that "Energy is the real power. It is a communication that heals!
Whenever I work with a patient to determine their needs, I first attempt to discover the driving forces behind their symptoms. I use the MFT system and applied kinesiology (muscle testing) to scan the body energetically. I figure out at an energetic core level whether the patient I am working with has acquired their symptoms due to an emotional imbalance, a physical trauma, or from unknown pathogens.
Once the causes are clearly understood, the next step is to figure out the most effective strategy to help that patient to regain their Energy and feel good again. That may require the correct combination of herbs, vitamins, minerals, foods, and clearing negative thoughts and emotions.
People usually become chronically ill over time. Healing occurs in layers. As corrections are made, and negative stressors are cleared, additional pathogens and negative emotions may be discovered. So by clearing multiple levels over time, the patient can fully recover.
Holistic healing is made possible when the practitioner can effectively communicate with the patient's energy and direct them to a positive outcome. Working in the healing arts space requires compassion and understanding for the patients that are being served. True healing requires a relationship between the patient and the provider.