Increasing blood flow to these nerve cells increases the transportation and absorption of valuable nutrients, including oxygen. These cells have become inflamed and may be depleted in certain vitamins and minerals that are required to restore them to their proper function.
To date, very few acupuncture practitioners have been trained in the Micro Acupuncture or Acunova systems. Most of those who have learned these procedures reside in Europe. There are only a small number of practitioners in the United States who understand how to implement these techniques.
Chinese medical ophthalmology has remained as an integral part of Chinese medicine for over 2000 years. From a western medical perspective, acupuncture increases blood flow to the brain and the eyes. This has been demonstrated using ocular Doppler imaging, ultrasound, and MRI.
In addition to using micro-systems like Micro-Acupuncture and Acunova, I may also choose local acupuncture points (TCM) during the treatment to provide additional blood flow to the eyes.
As an acupuncture practitioner, I view each person as an individual. I treat the patient, not the disease. The symptoms may appear to be the same, but the treatment protocols can be very different. There is no one size that fits all in Chinese medicine.
While acupuncture in any form is not intended to be curative for eye diseases, it can uniquely support the healing process. Clinical results have shown that many patients have improved from their lost vision using both the Micro-Acupuncture and Acunova systems. For many others, the progression of an aggressive eye disorder has been slowed- down and managed.
Some of the diagnoses that may lead to the loss of vision or blindness include both glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Macular degeneration has two forms, the dry form, and the wet form. Most age-related macular degeneration patients have the dry type, which is usually less aggressive. The wet form includes bleeding or leaking fluid and may occur very rapidly, causing significant vision loss.
Ophthalmologists can help a small percentage of age-related macular degeneration patients with specialized laser techniques and injections. Unfortunately, that leaves most of the patients with Macular degeneration without much hope of getting better.
Many patients are told by their eye doctors that nothing can be done for their condition. This is where specialized acupuncture techniques like Micro-Acupuncture and Acunova can be beneficial. From clinical observations of my own patients to my European and American colleagues who work in a similar fashion, the results remain consistently high.
Both Micro-Acupuncture and Acunova have improved over 70% of patients with Macular degeneration and glaucoma at rates ranging from 10-90%. In addition to the positive treatment outcomes, most patients have been able to maintain their improved medical status by receiving periodic maintenance treatments one or more times per year.
The five senses we use every day are sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. Of these, we depend up to 85% on our vision to take in information and sense the world around us. As humans, we can become distressed and depressed when our precious eye-sight fails to function properly.
Don’t let this happen to you or anyone you know. If you are experiencing vision loss from any degenerative eye conditions, then it’s time to try a new approach. Either the Micro-Acupuncture system or the Acunova acupuncture system may help to support the health of your eyes.