Degenerative Eye Condition Treatments NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.

Call Marc Bystock L.Ac. 212-696-4326
"Over 75% of my patients respond with improvement. I am constantly receiving new education and improving the program that I developed for degenerative eye conditions, the "NYC Holistic Eye Acupuncture Program."

-Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Contact Marc Bystock for Degenerative Eye Condition Treatments NYC
Contact Marc Bystock, Leading Holistic Acupuncturist in NYC for a Free Consultation.

Treatments for Eye Degeneration NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

If you are seeking to improve your degenerative eye condition or any other severe eye disorder, then I am here to offer you the help that you deserve! Your eye may be the most vital sensory organ that you have. If you are dealing with visual changes or the possibility of vision loss, I want you to keep an open mind to exploring all options.

The loss of all or even part of your visual field could mean enormous changes to your life. Don't let vision loss, depression, anger, and uncertainty become the new norm. I specialize in treating conditions of the eye using Traditional Chinese Medical Ophthalmology (TCM). Acupuncture and naturopathic techniques have been successfully used to treat a variety of eye conditions for over two thousand years.

As a licensed practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1996, I possess a deep understanding of the use of acupuncture and holistic medicine to help manage and improve a wide variety of eye disorders. Most of my eye patients come to me after receiving a diagnosis from their eye specialist. In most cases, patients have sought out my unique services, knowledge, and abilities because their conditions have not adequately improved under conventional care. Unfortunately, for some conditions, conventional medicine may have little to offer the patient.

Whenever I speak to the public about my expertise in acupuncture and nutrition for degenerative eye disorders, I always find that most people are unaware that acupuncture can be used to help improve conditions of the eyes.
Acupuncture ophthalmology is not well known even by ophthalmologists and optometrists.

Treatments for Eye Degeneration NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

My Specialty: The Eye Conditions I Treat

I use both Micro-Acupuncture and the Acunova acupuncture systems to help to improve my patient's eye conditions. Acupuncture needles are mainly placed on the hands and feet. Some of the other modalities used include cold laser and electrical stimulation.
Needles are never placed in the eyes. Although I do not consider acupuncture a cure for retinal and optic nerve damage, it is a superior modality that allows your body and your eyes the ability to heal and repair from degenerative damage. Over 75% of my patients respond with improvement. I am constantly receiving new education and improving the program that I developed for degenerative eye conditions, the "NYC Holistic Eye Acupuncture Program."
  • Age-Related Macular DegenerationMacular degeneration occurs when the tissue of the macula, the most sensitive portion of the retina, malfunctions. The macula permits you to have central vision and to see in detail. The retina functions by turning light into electrical signals that transfer to the optical nerve and then to the brain. The brain interprets the electrical message into the images that we see. Damage to the macula may result in loss of central vision, blurry vision, or dark vision of one or both eyes. Age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over sixty years of age. Other causative factors include family history, genetics, and smoking, 
  • GlaucomaGlaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve of the eye. It is usually associated with intraocular pressure. The optic nerve is the part of the eye that transmits electrical signals to the brain for image interpretation. Pressure can cause damage to the optic nerve over time causing slow, but progressive vision loss. Glaucoma is often called the "silent thief of vision" because it is asymptomatic during its progression giving no clue to the damage being done until it's too late. It is important that glaucoma be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. If not treated, it may lead to vision loss in only a few years.
  • Dry EyesTears are needed to maintain a healthy lubrication of the eyes. Also, they help to provide clear vision. Every 10 seconds our eyes blink to pump tears along the ocular surface. Tears help to cleanse the eyes of foreign debris including infection. Having dry eyes is a common condition that occurs when your eyes are not able to produce adequate lubrication.
  • Diabetic RetinopathyDiabetic Retinopathy occurs in people who have diabetes. High blood sugar causes damage to the retina by blocking the very small blood vessels that feed it. New blood vessels may develop as an alternative, but they can be poorly formed and may result in leakage.If you have Diabetic Retinopathy, it is important to monitor your blood sugar, manage your diabetes, check your blood pressure, and your cholesterol on a regular basis.
From my perspective, using Traditional Chinese Medical ophthalmology for the conditions listed above makes perfect sense. Most degenerative eye conditions and serious eye disorders are the results of too much inflammation, oxidation, and a lack of blood flowing to the eyes.
Contact NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac. for Eye Degeneration Treatment
The special acupuncture techniques and related methods that I have developed to treat my eye patients help to lower inflammation and oxidation. In addition, acupuncture treatments will increase the perfusion of blood to the optical nerve and retina. The result will be an increase in oxygen and nutrients to the eye and a decrease in stored waste. The right conditions must be in place for the eyes to improve.

My passion is to help you improve your vision by using cutting edge non-invasive techniques that really work. I offer a free consultation by phone or in person. I sincerely wish to create a plan that will help you to see better.

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