In the 1980s, Micro-acupuncture was conceived in Denmark.
Micro-acupuncture is a unique acupuncture procedure that treats degenerative eye disorders.
The discovery of 48 new acupuncture points on the palmar surface of the hands and soles of the feet have not been associated with other acupuncture systems. These points may improve the vision of people who are suffering from Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Macular degeneration is a disorder of ocular oxidative stress, inflammation, and insufficient blood perfusion. Micro Acupuncture was initially experimented with to improve arthritic conditions, but, patients reported seeing with brighter contrast and clearer vision after the acupuncture procedure.
It is thought that this acupuncture system may stimulate the visual cortex in the brain sending signals to the optic nerve and retinal structure of the eye. This neuro-functional stimulation increases blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the starved tissue of the eye.
By combining this innovative 48-point acupuncture system with whole food nutrition, bioelectric magnetic therapies, and specific stimulation techniques around the eyes, I can obtain the best results. Some patients report that the Holistic Acupuncture Vision program improve vision within days, while others require repeat treatments for longer durations. Treatment frequency will depend upon the patient condition, age, and length of time they have had their degenerative eye disorder.
The standard Holistic Acupuncture Vision protocol is to receive two treatments per day for a period of one to two weeks. Other programs may be successfully implemented and are dependent on the frequency of the treatments as well as the individual needs of the patient.
Eye diseases should not necessarily be isolated to the eyes themselves. The eyes are part of the whole body that they are housed in. The health of the eye is dependent on the general condition and health of the entire body. To obtain optimal results, I treat the causative factors of the disease as well as the symptoms. My Holistic Acupuncture Vision program treats both the eyes and the condition of the whole body simultaneously.