Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treatments NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treatments NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Call Marc Bystock L.Ac.
"Treating CIRS naturally with acupuncture means providing a holistic approach to the inflammatory response. I use acupuncture to help realign body systems and restore a natural balance for the person experiencing a multitude of complex symptoms. Regular treatment can help reduce the swelling and prevent future inflammatory responses."
-Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Contact Marc Bystock Holistic Acupuncture NYC about Treating CIRS naturally
Contact Marc Bystock, Leading Holistic Acupuncturist in NYC for a Free Consultation.

CIRS Treatment by Marc Bystock NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

Having any health issue is a problem, but a lifelong or recurring illness is a lot for many people to handle. Getting relief is not as simple as taking a dose of antibiotics and getting well. People with regular inflammatory problems never know when symptoms may flare. Tracking triggers can take time, and a misdiagnosis of the problem can cause a whole host of other issues. Sometimes, using holistic methods for chronic conditions is a valuable help for these individuals. 

What is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

Chronic inflammatory response syndrome is often misunderstood because this illness has changed names from chronic biotoxin associated illness to CIRS. This condition affects several body systems at the same time, and it causes many symptoms at once. People who live in homes with mold problems or work in areas where there are damp conditions can experience problems that may be determined as chronically inflammatory. Lyme Disease is another condition that often goes hand in hand with CIRS. 
CIRS Treatment by Marc Bystock NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

CIRS Symptoms and Common Causes

Many things can be a part of the symptoms people experience with chronic inflammatory response syndrome. Doctors find problems manifest in eight areas of the body. These eight areas include:
  • Cognitive
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Rrespiratory
  • General
  • Mmusculoskeletal
  • Hypothalamic,
  • Eye
  • Neurological
This condition can present with many, but not usually, all of the following symptoms.
Possible manifestations of chronic inflammatory responses
  • General achy feeling
  • Weakness in some or all of the body
  • Headaches in various forms and intensities
  • Sensitivity to bright lights
  • Regular coughing
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Constant tearing of the eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • A metal taste on several occasions
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Numb feelings in some or all limbs
  • Tingling sensations
  • Various mood swings and intensities
  • Changes in appetite from eating too little to eating constantly
  • Chronic sweating at night or waking up soaked in sweat
  • Problems concentrating or staying focused on tasks
  • Issues performing everyday tasks or carrying on a routine conversation
  • Confusion
  • Trouble maintaining a consistent body temperature
  • Constant thirstiness
  • Going to the bathroom too often
  • Problems with static shock
  • Stiff joints or limbs upon waking
  • Trouble remembering things long or short-term
  • Stomach pain
  • Forgetting words or having a hard time figuring out what you want to say
  • Concentration issues or an inability to stay focused on a task long enough to complete it
  • Body cramps in the stomach, calves, or back
Physicians treating patients for this illness find that people experience symptoms in what are called clusters. A cluster is one or several manifestations in the same body system like musculoskeletal or neurological. Usually, a person must have at least 13 indicators out of the 37 possible symptoms to have a diagnosis of CIRS. Some patients may present with problems like clawing or spasms of the fingers, toes, or other joints. Sudden and large weight gain is often a precursor to this diagnosis.

Common Causes of CIRS

Living in a home where toxic mold growth is found is one of the biggest causes of CIRS. This health condition can show up after spending time near pesticides like on a golf course, a home garden, or another outdoor recreational area, but pinning the cause to this activity may be difficult. Using or being around a lot of herbicides and fungicides could also cause CIRS. People who have an unusual range of joint movement, or hyper flexibility, often have this condition. Other allergies and serious infections can make a person more likely to develop this health issue. 

Exposure to cyanobacteria blooms in ponds or affected fish can cause a person to develop CIRS. People who eat fish with this bacteria can develop the issue, but it may show up after a person swims in water sources with the same toxins. Some doctors feel people are genetically predisposed to this health issue or to have a bad allergic or inflammatory reaction to environmental agents. More research is necessary to figure out how a person develops this syndrome and the myriad of symptoms associated with chronic inflammatory response syndrome. 

How Acupuncture Treats Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Treating CIRS naturally with acupuncture means providing a holistic approach to the inflammatory response. As a licensed NYC Acupuncturist, I can use acupuncture to help realign body systems and restore a natural balance for the person experiencing a multitude of complex symptoms. Regular treatment can help reduce the swelling and prevent future inflammatory responses. It can also alleviate a flare in progress by reducing symptoms or helping them subside.

Many traditional medical doctors treat patients with a cholesterol medication called Cholestyramine. Physicians must track the symptoms and see how long the patient experiences chronic issues. To get a diagnosis for CIRS, the patient must have symptoms for over six months. The problems must also involve the immune system and at least one other system in the body like respiratory or eyes. 

Contact NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac. for a Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treatment Consultation

If you are diagnosed with chronic inflammatory response syndrome, then you may find acupuncture a more natural alternative to medication. I am a licensed NYC Acupuncturist with a long and proven history of  treating chronic inflammatory response syndrome. 

I have years of experience helping people in NY with a variety of health issues from temporary issues like pregnancy swelling and chronic problems like CIRS. To find out more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call me at 212-696-4325.

Contact me today!

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