Patients constantly search for acupuncture and natural therapeutics to resolve their dry eye syndrome. Conventional medicine does not always help their condition. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views dry eye syndrome as a yin organ deficiency. If the yin energy becomes too low and the yang energy becomes too high, then dry eye syndrome will result. In western terminology, that means inflammation has increased and affected the eye to feel dry.
With inflammation comes oxidation and a lack of vital nutrients to the ocular tissue. The leading treatment principle in acupuncture medicine is to nourish the blood, move the qi, and increase blood circulation to the eyes. One study concluded that using eye drops alone improved the dry eye subjects by 53.85%. Drops must be used consistently throughout the day to be effective.
The combination of drops and regular acupuncture treatments increased the outcome to 76.9%. This research demonstrates the need for acupuncture as a necessary clinical intervention for dry eyes. In a 2015 study using tomography with bio microscopy, acupuncture demonstrated that it could improve dry eyes on a significant level. In traditional Chinese medicine, ophthalmology, needles are never inserted into the eyes. Instead, needles may be placed on the hands, feet, forehead, and ears.
I specialize in treating patients with degenerative eye disorders. Approximately 75% of my patients will see an improvement in their eyes within five to ten treatments. Micro-acupuncture is the primary acupuncture system that I use for the eyes. It stimulates the brain and increases blood flow to the optic nerve and retina. The result is a decrease in both inflammation and oxidative stress to the eyes.
The eyes are like the camera to the brain; they use a tremendous amount of energy. Whenever there is an insufficient amount of energy for the eyes and a lack of nutrients to make repairs, there will be dry eyes and degenerative eye disorders.
In addition to acupuncture, vitamin and mineral supplements, herbs, and specialized food plans may be used to help improve the condition of your eyes.